{"id":970,"date":"2021-12-28T15:43:27","date_gmt":"2021-12-28T14:43:27","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/svjmedia.nl\/roosverbrugh\/?p=970"},"modified":"2021-12-30T12:17:37","modified_gmt":"2021-12-30T11:17:37","slug":"this-group-of-anti-vaxxers-is-spreading-from-brussels-throughout-europe-and-beyond","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/svjmedia.nl\/roosverbrugh\/970\/this-group-of-anti-vaxxers-is-spreading-from-brussels-throughout-europe-and-beyond\/","title":{"rendered":"This group of anti-vaxxers is spreading from Brussels throughout Europe (and beyond)"},"content":{"rendered":"

Out of the 2,1 million inhabitants of the Brussels province, only 58.3 percent are fully vaccinated, as the latest<\/b> data<\/b><\/a> from the country\u2019s health organization<\/b> Sciensano<\/b><\/a> shows. Among the people that have not yet had their vaccination, a particular crowd of anti-vaxxers is growing. Coming from every walk of life, anti-vaxxers have disbelief in the governmental covid policy and in use of vaccines. This is a development that is not only seen in Brussels, but can be seen in many European countries. What drives this group?<\/b><\/h3>\n


The people who don\u2019t want to get a vaccine can be divided into a couple of groups, according to Inge Neven, crisis manager of the Brussels region. \u201cThey vary and have many different backgrounds, which is not surprising seeing the origin of the population of Brussels. We have over 180 nationalities\u201d, she says. With 25% of the population who come from a foreign country, it makes for an interesting geographical area.<\/span><\/p>\n

\u201cWe have about 1 on 3 who are living near the poverty line, and also many people don\u2019t have a general practitioner or are facing problems with digitalization and such. We know it is quite difficult to reach them, and that is also what we see in the data. We have the lowest percentage of the vaccination degree of all of the Belgian regions. Lately we have been focusing on decentralized activities such as working with vaccination buses (so called <\/span>vacci-buses<\/span><\/i>), where people can get their vaccine without an appointment\u201d, Neven adds.<\/span><\/p>\n

Those <\/span>vacci-buses<\/span><\/i> are situated in areas such as Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, which is one of Brussels poorest neighbourhoods. Mezdi (27) comes from the area himself and works for the regional government as a neighborhood watch. He is standing in front of the vacci-bus that is located on the square of metro station \u00c9tangs Noirs. Contrary to the fact that he is accompanying locals to get their shot, he himself is not yet vaccinated. \u201cI don\u2019t know what is in the vaccine exactly, so I would like to get some more information before I take the shot. I\u2019m also healthy and young, so I don\u2019t see a reason why I would have to take it\u201d, he explains.<\/span><\/p>\n

[aesop_image img=”https:\/\/svjmedia.nl\/internationaljournalism\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/378\/2021\/11\/WhatsApp-Image-2021-11-19-at-17.38.43.jpeg” panorama=”on” align=”center” lightbox=”on” captionsrc=”custom” captionposition=”left” revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”]<\/p>\n

Mezdi is talking to reporter Roos Verbrugh. Image: Pepijn Kouwenberg<\/span><\/p>\n

Willingness to vaccinate<\/b><\/h4>\n

\u201cThis epidemic is becoming an epidemic of non-vaccinated people\u201d, Belgian prime-minister Alexander de Croo said in an interview with<\/span> De Specialist.<\/span><\/i><\/a> His statement is in line with Neven\u2019s vision. She reacts: \u201cOur crisis team has put in all efforts to get as many people vaccinated as possible. It is really now the willingness of the people to get vaccinated. Amongst them we have different categories. We have a lot of male and female North-African originating people that have a lot of issues with the vaccine, such as a fear of fertility issues and the RNA-vaccines to be of impact on their DNA. We also have people that just don\u2019t want to have any vaccine, they are more on the left side of the political spectrum and have more trust in homeopathic or herbal medicine. These are the people that we know we will never be able to convince. We also have many people that are facing other difficulties, dealing with poverty for example. For them vaccination is not a priority.\u201d<\/span><\/p>\n

Political extremism<\/b><\/h4>\n

On the other hand, we see a movement that is growing: a group that tends to criticize the governmental covid policy and have a strong distrust in the pharmaceutical industry. These so-called \u2018anti-vaxxers\u2019 come from all around the Brussels area and beyond. Are they a movement of far-right political extremism? According to Tom Meers, founder of Europeans United, not necessarily. \u201cThe people who join our demonstrations come from all parts of society. We think freedom or democracy or human rights aren’t for the left or the right, they are for everybody.\u201d The organization was founded in March 2020 and focuses on \u2018restoring the democratic values in our society\u2019, according to Meers.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Meers\u2019 organization has large community chat groups on social media platform <\/span>Telegram<\/span><\/i>, with over 12.500 members in the international chat room, and daily around 1800 active members.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

[aesop_image img=”https:\/\/svjmedia.nl\/roosverbrugh\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/464\/2021\/12\/DSC_3620-scaled.jpg” panorama=”off” align=”center” lightbox=”on” captionsrc=”custom” captionposition=”left” revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”]<\/p>\n

Tom Meers, leader of Europeans United. Image: Roos Verbrugh<\/span><\/p>\n

\u201cWhat I especially want to change is that the power lies with the people again. In every European Country, the parliament isn\u2019t used, it is bypassed and they are working by a decree. Those decrees are unconstitutional, but the judges still abide by it. In effect it means that we are going from a democratic regime to a totalitarian system. I don’t say that we are there yet, but we are moving towards it\u201d, Meers explains. He slightly raises his voice when he starts talking about some of those measures in particular, such as the covid regulations. \u201cWe are not against measures to save peoples lives, but we are against unproportional measures, especially when they are unconstitutional.\u201d As an example he mentions the price of the current covid regulations, that future generations will have to pay for.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Still, Meers does not want Europeans United to be seen as an anti-vaxxer organization. \u201cThere are a lot of anti-vaxxers who come to our demonstration as well, but we are not anti-vaxxers.\u201d But then who are they, this specific group? Our team traveled to Strasbourg to find out who hides between the texts in anonymous online groups.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n


It is November 13th and the streets of Strasbourg are cold and rainy. About 600 people have gathered on Place Kleber, a famous square in the city that, like Brussels, is home to the European Parliament. The square is covered with a crowd carrying large banners and signs with political messages; \u2018Bist du auch schon ein Impfklon!\u2019 (ed.: \u2018Are you already a vaccin clone!\u2019) , \u2018Gentech Vaccin\u2019, \u2018Angst frisst Hirn\u2019 (ed.: \u2018Fear eats your brains\u2019). Another group is carrying white-painted crosses that show vaccine deaths. Many people are shouting, blowing on whistles and even beating on drums.<\/p>\n



A masked protester is beating a large drum. Image: Pepijn Kouwenberg<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

At two O\u2019clock, a group of white-masked people start performing a play. They are wearing signs that read\u00a0\u2018suspendue\u2019<\/i>, referring to the governmental measures that have suspended the public from participating in day to day life without being vaccinated. A narrator, symbolising the government, shouts french sentences across the square; \u2018Vous \u00eates suspendue\u2019 (Ed.:\u2018You have been suspended\u2019), \u2018Suspendue sans revenu\u2019 (Ed.:\u2018Suspended without income\u2019) or \u2018Interdit de travailler\u2019 (Ed.: \u2018Forbidden to work\u2019). Classical, dramatic music is playing in the background. After the play, the crowd applauds and makes noise for the speakers that join the stage. Amongst them is Tom Meers. During his speech, Meers sticks to the words that he is familiar with, remaining calm and thoughtful, but the messages of his crowd are far from being as nuanced.<\/p>\n