Ulla Elo and Loru enjoy helping children. Photo: Reima Rönkkö.
In a small Finnish town called Rauma, Reading Dog Loru listens patiently and without interrupting children who are feeling insecure about reading books aloud.
The trainer of 3-year-old Loru, Ulla Elo, arranged 15-minute reading sessions at the main library of Rauma. The event was free for everyone and it was arranged in an empty room. One of participants was 9-year-old Erin who read to Loru a children book called Cafe Mystery, one of his favourite books. She felt calm to read book to Loru.
“It`s nicer to read to a dog than to a human being. It would be great to participate again.”

Erin reading book to Loru. Photo: Reima Rönkkö.
Elo has taken part in a Reading Dog course with Loru. Everyone can participate in the course. The only requirement is that the dog has had just one owner. You need to know exactly the background of the dog, because it is working with children. The Finnish Kennel Club has to give permission to the dog for working as a Reading Dog.
Elo says that the feedback of the Reading Dog events has been positive. She highlights the importance of encouragement.
“In Finland we encourage children to read aloud in every possible ways such as reading to the dog.”
The maximum time that a dog can work in a row is two hours and only once a week. The dog mustn` t feel stress at any time.
“What`s surprising, this session makes Loru tired. When we go back home in the evening, she feels really tired. One reason for the tireness might be meeting completely new people.”
The job can be tiring, but to Loru it is delighted to work with children.
“Loru loves children, so I thought that this job would be perfect. For me this is a hobby and at the same time we can give joy for children.”
Elo`s opinion is that the parents of the children should not been in the same room when their child is reading to the dog.
“There is a risk that the parents try to correct the reading of the child. Once a mother said that she wants to be in the room, but the child said no. Most of the times there are only me, Loru and the child in the room.”
Loru will be 4 years old this summer. There is a rule that a Reading Dog has to be at least 2 years old before starting the job. At that age the dog doesn`t behave like a puppy anymore.
It is recommendable to read aloud to your own pets. It doesn`t matter if the pet is a dog or a cat. Reading aloud to an animal is a therapeutic experience to children and also to adults.
A Reading Dog session felt like a fresh way to encourage children to read aloud. Last Tuesday in Rauma two sisters came to a session. They enjoyed the 15-minute session so much that they wanted right away to participate again. It tells that the event was a success.