No Sleep Till Brooklyn

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Categorie: In de Stemming

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Welke partij heeft volgens jou het gezondste verstand? (S01E03)

In aflevering 3 van de podcast ‘In de Stemming’ praten studenten over welke politieke partijen zich inzetten voor de mentale gezondheid van jongeren en welke juist niet. In kieswijzers komt dit onderwerp namelijk nauwelijks aan bod en het is dus belangrijk dat er toch wat over wordt vertelt. Verder kijken we naar waardoor jongeren te maken krijgen met mentale klachten. Psycholoog Thijs Launspach praat hier met ons over. Ook praten we over ADHD en autisme, aangezien dit vaak door politieke partijen vergeten wordt. Welke partij heeft volgens jou het gezondste verstand?

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WK Qatar

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Dynamiek in de Politiek

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Uncheckable: “The biggest lie from this election is that nuclear energy will help to achieve the climate goals”.

In the first national election debate, broadcasted by RTL4, leaders of political parties in the Netherlands were asked to take a stance on several important issues. one of the statements, about climate change was: “In order to achieve the climate goals the Netherlands must build new nuclear power plants”.  Conservativeparties such as the VVD (liberal party), the PVV (nationalist party) and the CDA (Christian democrats) voted in favor. The progressive parties voted agents the statement. When asked to explain their view GroenLinks (green party) leader Jesse Klaver claimed that nuclear energy, as a solution for fossil energy, is the biggest lie in this election. He also claimed that nuclear energy will not help achieve the climate goals from the Paris treaty.

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Uncheckable: “The biggest lie from this election is that nuclear energy will help to achieve the climate goals”.

In the first national election debate, broadcasted by RTL4, leaders of political parties in the Netherlands were asked to take a stance on several important issues. one of the statements, about climate change was: “In order to achieve the climate goals the Netherlands must build new nuclear power plants”.  Conservativeparties such as the VVD (liberal party), the PVV (nationalist party) and the CDA (Christian democrats) voted in favor. The progressive parties voted agents the statement. When asked to explain their view GroenLinks (green party) leader Jesse Klaver claimed that nuclear energy, as a solution for fossil energy, is the biggest lie in this election. He also claimed that nuclear energy will not help achieve the climate goals from the Paris treaty.

Hoe ik ontdekte wat wel en niet te checken is

Als beginnend journalist en fact-checkster kreeg ik, binnen dit honoursproject over de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen, de opdracht om uit debatten claims van politici te halen die ik mogelijk zou kunnen fact-checken. Dat bleek ingewikkelder dan ik dacht. 

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