Two hooligan groups are fighting each other in Krakow in an extraordinary brutal and violent way, leading to injuries and even deaths. Besides that, they are operating in illegal drug trafficking and using torture methods against their enemies. What is going on in Poland’s second-biggest city, and how could it come to this situation?
The answer lies in the deep-seated rivalry between the city’s major clubs Wisła Kraków and KS Cracovia. Historical tensions fueled a high level of distrust within Krakow’s hooligan scene. As a reason, they are the only hooligans in the country that still use weapons, resulting in an isolated position among other Polish fan groups.
Could this be the reason, that Krakow’s hooligan groups are shifting away from actual fan culture and becoming organized criminal gangs? Interviews with local citizens, policemen and a scientist & hooligan expert are breaking it down.

Match day at Wisła Kraków

Graffities as gang signs of hooligans

The studio that Wisła-hooligans are using for fight-training