‘Er zijn te weinig toegankelijke stageplaatsen. Geen stage, dan is er geen afgeronde studie, dan is er geen werk’, zei Rick Brink, Minister van Gehandicaptenzaken,…
Sherry Jae Ebere benoemd tot ambassadeur Pride Amsterdam 2020
Posted onZondag 9 februari maakte Pride Amsterdam de ambassadeurs van dit jaar bekend. Eén van hen is Sherry Jae Ebere. Zij is vrijwilliger voor veel trans…
Lovisa: “Closing everything down in a country is not legally possible for the Swedish government”
Posted onName: Lovisa von Heijne Age: 25 Location: Stockholm, Sweden Strategy: no-lockdown approach [aesop_image img=”https://svjmedia.nl/saschabunink/wp-content/uploads/sites/318/2020/06/Lovisa-profile-pic.jpg” panorama=”off” align=”center” lightbox=”on” captionsrc=”custom” captionposition=”left” revealfx=”inplaceslow” overlay_revealfx=”off”] The first Corona case…
Hyebin: “I never imagined the city this silent. It felt like a ghost town”
Posted onName: Hyebin Kim Age: 25 Location: Daegu, South Korea Strategy: virus-containment [aesop_image img=”https://svjmedia.nl/saschabunink/wp-content/uploads/sites/318/2020/05/Haven-profile-picture.jpeg” panorama=”off” align=”center” lightbox=”on” captionsrc=”custom” captionposition=”left” revealfx=”inplaceslow” overlay_revealfx=”off”] When the…
Robyn: “If you don’t have ‘a purpose’ to be out, they’ll arrest you”
Posted onName: Robyn Abrahams Age: 20 Location: Cape Town, South Africa Strategy: full lockdown [aesop_image img=”https://svjmedia.nl/saschabunink/wp-content/uploads/sites/318/2020/05/Robyn-profile-picture-e1589895865561.jpeg” panorama=”off” align=”center” lightbox=”on” captionsrc=”custom” captionposition=”left” revealfx=”inplaceslow” overlay_revealfx=”off”] The first cases…
Josh: “We didn’t get a break between the two of them”
Posted onName: Joshua Lloyd Age: 22 Location: Perth, Australia Strategy: Intelligent lockdown [aesop_image img=”https://svjmedia.nl/saschabunink/wp-content/uploads/sites/318/2020/05/Josh-profile-pic.jpeg” panorama=”off” align=”left” lightbox=”off” captionsrc=”custom”…