The power of taking an ice bath: how it can improve your mental and physical health

The power of taking an ice bath: how it can improve your mental and physical health

Splashing for minutes in a bath full of ice? It doesn’t sound like a very appealing idea. But thousands of people swear by it. Taking an ice bath is part of the well known Wim Hof method. A method created by Iceman ‘Wim Hof’ to boost your immune system and burn your inner fire.  The method consists of 3 pillars: breathing exercises, ice cold water and focus/mindset. 

I visited Wim Hof instructor Tim van der Vliet (51) at his home in Amsterdam. In front of the door are two boxes filled with 30 kg of ice. Once we have done some breathing exercises, we go to the bathroom where a bathtub filled with ice and cold water is waiting for us.  I ask him about the benefits of the method, while taking an ice bath.

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