It is November 13th and the streets of Strasbourg are cold and rainy. About 600 people have gathered on Place Kleber, a famous square in the city that, like Brussels, is home to the European Parliament. The square is covered with a crowd carrying large banners and signs with political messages; ‘Bist du auch schon ein Impfklon!’ (ed.: ‘Are you already a vaccin clone!’) , ‘Gentech Vaccin’, ‘Angst frisst Hirn’ (ed.: ‘Fear eats your brains’). Another group is carrying white-painted crosses that show vaccine deaths. Many people are shouting, blowing on whistles and even beating on drums.

A masked protester is beating a large drum. Image: Pepijn Kouwenberg
At two O’clock, a group of white-masked people start performing a play. They are wearing signs that read ‘suspendue’, referring to the governmental measures that have suspended the public from participating in day to day life without being vaccinated. A narrator, symbolising the government, shouts french sentences across the square; ‘Vous êtes suspendue’ (Ed.:‘You have been suspended’), ‘Suspendue sans revenu’ (Ed.:‘Suspended without income’) or ‘Interdit de travailler’ (Ed.: ‘Forbidden to work’). Classical, dramatic music is playing in the background. After the play, the crowd applauds and makes noise for the speakers that join the stage. Amongst them is Tom Meers. During his speech, Meers sticks to the words that he is familiar with, remaining calm and thoughtful, but the messages of his crowd are far from being as nuanced.
A protester dressed up as Death himself holds a syringe with up to eight vaccine shots indicating the amount of required injections will keep getting higher. Image: Pepijn Kouwenberg
A image of Macron as a cyborg was positioned underneath the statue on the main square.
A man disguises his identity behind the French flag Image: Pepijn Kouwenberg
Protesters perform a play in anonymised costumes
Image: Pepijn Kouwenberg
When the speeches are finished, the crowd starts moving towards Rue des Francs-Bourgeois, marching through the streets.
Fully-equipped police forces, around forty policemen and women, are guarding the streets that the mass is entering. The police carry tear gas- and riot equipment, but keep a large distance from the crowd. A van starts playing ‘La Marseillaise’, the French national anthem. A group of younger protesters form the front of the crowd, throwing smoke bombs in the direction of the police.
A policeman block passage to one of the side streets guiding the protesters through the main street. Image Pepijn Kouwenberg
Protester waving a flag in front of a building that ironically says 'Vox' the latin word for 'voice'
A protester dressed up as Death himself holds a syringe with up to eight vaccine shots indicating the amount of required injections will keep getting higher. Image: Pepijn Kouwenberg
This Photo series is part of a larger project ‘Battling Brussels’ the mini documentary about this subject can be found in the following link.