Let music impact us, not our planet

Let music impact us, not our planet

Let music impact us, not our planet

The British band Coldplay recently finished the European part of their tour, called Music of the Spheres. With 55 shows you could imagine the kind of impact that has on the environment. The band was aware of this and looked for a way to minimize the pollution created by their concerts. It took two years of research with a team of sustainability experts, but they found a way to do their part in the fight against climate change, whilst still putting on a mesmerizing performance on stage.

The plan was to reduce carbon emissions by 50% compared to their last tour. This initiative could only be brought to life with creative ideas on how to strive for a more sustainable tour. For example, you could bring your own  reusable water bottle to the show to prevent the use of thousands of plastic bottles. The stage was partly powered by a rechargeable battery, which was made in partnership with the German car manufacturer BMW,  and the band traveled using Sustainable Aviation Fuel.

But maybe the most noticeable asset were the LED-wristbands (see picture at the top). Everybody got one when they entered the concert and they were used to lit up the entire crowd in different colors during the show. When the show finishes you drop your wristband in a deposit box and they get washed and used again on the next stop of the tour. The best part of these wristbands is that they are made using 100% compostable materials. For this innovation the band partnered up with Pixmob, a brand that specializes in creating a magic feeling at concerts using different LED products, like the wristbands.

It seems that more and more artists are aware of the negative impact their shows and tours have on the environment and try to take action. The problem is that they don’t always know how they can make sure they are working towards a better and more sustainable performance. That is where REVERB comes in to the picture. REVERB is a company that helps artists, venues and events to create a greener tour. Some of their former clients include Harry Styles, Billie Eilish, The Lumineers… Music is a universal way to connect people, so it’s a very powerful way to make a statement as well. People look up to their favorite artists. So when they show the audience that they care for the environment, a big part of the fanbase will also be influenced by this.

According to REVERB’s Chris Spinato that is the message REVERB, together with the artists is trying to send into the world: make a change. Don’t wait around for other people to do it. Just get up and do it yourself, before it’s too late.

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