Financial assistance to European residents and business at the sight of energy crisis

Financial assistance to European residents and business at the sight of energy crisis

According to a publicly announced information in the website of European Council: “Consumed electricity prices in the EU are 35% higher than last year.”

Energy crisis which EU countries are facing requires an urgent and united response. “Energy prices have hit all-time highs in 2022. It came like this because Russia has cut off the supplies of cheap natural gas that the continent of Europe depended on for years to run factories, generate electricity and heat homes. As a consequence it turned out as a problem to pay electricity bills for people and small businesses because of the huge payments for the same amounts of consumed electricity energy like before.

On 9th of October, this year, in European Parliament in Brussel went plenary session. One of the topics was inclusion of energy measures in national plans. Parliament voted on including RePowerEU measures in national recovery plans to foster independence from Russian fossil fuels and speed up the green transition.

EU countries that submit an amended recovery and resilience plan after the entry into force of this proposal would be required to include measures to save energy, produce clean energy and diversity energy supplies, as foreseen in the RePowerEU plan.

In this podcast you will hear interview with European Parliamentarian and the citations of two another European Parliamentarians about help from government for European people and businesses in the sight of energy crisis.

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