How immigrants can develop their cultural identity and integrate into the new society

How immigrants can develop their cultural identity and integrate into the new society

People always desire to travel and explore the world, but sometimes individuals are forced to migrate due to circumstances like poverty, racism, and wars, seeking better opportunities for life. Adaptation and integration are crucial for happiness outside one’s homeland, fostering active participation in different societies without forgetting their cultural identity.

Despite Europe’s efforts to integrate immigrants, they face challenges in language, social relationships, and the job market. To achieve development, immigrants can enhance their cultural identity and integration by interacting with their new community.

In a conversation with Leyla Kalender, a social specialist and trainer, she emphasizes the importance of boosting self-empowerment for immigrants. Through her organization “Ik Wil,” she provides opportunities for developing talents and enhancing participation in the community, promoting a sense of equality and positive impact.

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