A future where men and women are equal in their career, that is our goal, right?
At March 14 there was a ‘Feminer aan Tafel’ session in Delft. Feminer is a Dutch platform for young women with ambition, for a society where being a woman does not influence your career and chances. But how can a platform like Feminer make a difference for the future of women? At ‘Feminer aan tafel Delft’ our reporter Puck interviews somebody from the board of Feminer about the platform, a Dutch role model who is speaking at the event about the things women can change and what has already changed in the last few years. Puck also talks to a student about what her opinion is about the chances in her career in the future.
Listen to the audio to find out more about Feminer and what tips CFO of Mendix Technology B.V. Chun Kia Chao gives to young women!