Roadblocks in Migration for LGBTQ Asylum Seekers

Roadblocks in Migration for LGBTQ Asylum Seekers

Refugees are fleeing for many different reasons, but one reason is the persecution of lgbtq+ people. There are still 64 countries where it is illegal to be gay. In some countries the laws and public sway is moving towards decriminalization while other countries are doubling down.

The following clip is a look into the problems encountered by lgbtq+ asylum seekers.

Sarah pushes us to consider what we think about when we are discussing refugees. This is only a small clip of the conversation, but Sarah also discussed how to be aware of the images presented on refugees. When refugees are described as a flood the image that comes to mind is damaging and dehumanizing. In the discussion of refugees, there is also the individual, the humanitarian needs, and the geopolitical factors behind the push of refugees, such as calamity, broken economies, war, and persecution of minorities which create life-or-death situations.

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